8 things you MUST do in Phuket Thailand!

Every year we try to plan a big trip, usually at the end of the year and if the timing works out, around our birthdays in November. We are exactly one week apart so its always a nice time to plan a getaway.

-Woo Woo Scorpios-

Last year wasn’t just any ol’ birthday though, no, this was Callie’s 30th birthday!!! We both were dying for a new adventure and since neither one of us have been to Southeast Asia we decided on Thailand! Keep reading to check out the 8 things you HAVE to do in Phuket Thailand!

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Goat Yoga in Los Angeles

What’s that you say?? Goat Yoga in Los Angeles? As in, baby dwarf goats? Yoga? All under one roof? Count us in!!!

We know what you’re thinking… Ya, but are they potty trained? To which we say.. no…but a little poo never stopped us from having a BAHH-utiful time before!

(ooo there will be more goat puns to come! You just wait)


Goat Yoga

If you follow us on Instagram you know we just had the most epic yoga experience ever! We discovered what is known as “goat yoga” and boy did we have fun! Keep reading to find out all the details and to watch the video with these adorable kids!

Continue reading “Goat Yoga in Los Angeles”