Urban Press Winery – A Piece of Wine Country in LA

Last Friday night we went out for a little wine tasting at place called Urban Press Winery and it was fantastic! Tucked right in the heart of downtown Burbank there’s winery that offers all the charm of small town wine country. While still bringing a hip and modern vibe. Keep reading to find out all the details from their private barrel tasting room to the live Blues music, and find out why it’s our new favorite place in Los Angeles!

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A Weekend Getaway Guide to Joshua Tree

Yosemite, Joshua Tree, Sequoia…When it comes to National Parks, California is home to some of the most iconic views and landscapes on the planet. We are so lucky to live in a state that is filled to the brim with places like this to explore and we’re planning on making the most of it!

Just recently we went down to Joshua Tree and were blown away by how stunning this place is!

This was our first trip to Joshua Tree; but it definitely won’t be our last!!! 
Illiana Coronado

Joshua Tree National Park is made up of two distinct desert ecosystems. the Mojave and the Colorado. The land is sculpted by strong winds and occasional torrents of rain. Dark night skies and surreal geologic features add to the wonder of this vast wilderness in So Cal. Come with us as we explore this beautiful land just 2 hours from Los Angeles
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7 Unique Ways to Spend Valentines Day in LA!

Valentine’s Day…February 14th, The month of romance
WAIT! Is it February already!? Seriously where does the time go?

You’ve probably guessed by now that we’re a couple suckers when it comes to love; and a whole day dedicated to it is perfectly fine by us! With a city that’s as easy to fall in love with as Los Angeles; you’re bound to find something that gets the blood flowing this Valentine’s day for you and your sweetheart.

Honestly, we are over the obligatory chocolate, flowers and a nice dinner out on the town. This year do something that will have both of you saying, “Now that’s a date!”

Whether it’s an epic adventure or a relaxing day at the spa, the City of Angels has you covered!!! Keep reading for “7 Unique Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day in LA!!”

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Sunnyday Scoot! The ONLY way to explore LA!

We don’t know if you guys can tell, but we kinda have a “thing” for LA. With a city that’s as big as this one who can blame us?! One thing we are constantly trying to do is find new ways to explore LA. We recently found the most enjoyable way to get around the city that will guarantee you’ll be smiling from ear to ear until your next ride! It’s called Sunnyday Scoot and we’re here to let you in on all the fun!!!

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The Perfect DTLA Date on a Budget

In our quest to find new and exciting things to do in LA, one of the things thats at the top of the list is cost. Things can get pricey here and we know it. Since we both work full time, our weekends are always the big debate as to where to go, what to do and how to make the most out of the two days we get to spend together… in the most cost effective way of course.  Last weekend we planned out our day from start to finish and it was amazing! Here is how to have a perfect day in DTLA on a budget!

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The Ultimate Couples Guide to LA

Los Angeles; L.A, The city of angels, Tinseltown or even La La Land. Whatever you want to call it, this city undeniably has something for everyone. If you aren’t an Angeleno you probably have this image in your head of possibly running into your favorite celebrity, the perfect climate all year round, beautiful beaches, and the sweet smell of weed in the air. To which we say…YES!…But there are so many other reasons to love LA!

(disclaimer: Traffic and smog not being one of them)

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500 Miles from LA to the Grand Canyon!

The Grand Canyon…Ever since I was a little kid I’ve wanted to see the Grand Canyon in person. To gaze at its vastness and wander in its beauty. My folks weren’t what you would consider the “camping” / rent an RV and drive across the country kinda parents… If they had been it probably would have ended up been a scene straight out of the National Lampoon Family Vacation!

The Grand Canyon is one of the most remarkable natural wonders in the world. Located in the state of Arizona, USA, it is one of the deepest gorges on Earth with an average depth of one mile (1.6km) and an average width of ten miles (16km).

Lets us tell you about our epic adventure from LA to the Grand Canyon! We stayed on the South Rim, went to the antelope canyon sandstone slot canyons, Horseshoe Bend and kayaked on Lake Powell! Read more for the full run down and all the exciting details & how we got caught in a storm on our hike out of the canyon!

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