The Perfect DTLA Date on a Budget

In our quest to find new and exciting things to do in LA, one of the things thats at the top of the list is cost. Things can get pricey here and we know it. Since we both work full time, our weekends are always the big debate as to where to go, what to do and how to make the most out of the two days we get to spend together… in the most cost effective way of course.  Last weekend we planned out our day from start to finish and it was amazing! Here is how to have a perfect day in DTLA on a budget!

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The Ultimate Couples Guide to LA

Los Angeles; L.A, The city of angels, Tinseltown or even La La Land. Whatever you want to call it, this city undeniably has something for everyone. If you aren’t an Angeleno you probably have this image in your head of possibly running into your favorite celebrity, the perfect climate all year round, beautiful beaches, and the sweet smell of weed in the air. To which we say…YES!…But there are so many other reasons to love LA!

(disclaimer: Traffic and smog not being one of them)

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