The Big Day – May 25th 2019 – Our Love Party
Wedding season is finally upon us and we cordially write this blog as Mr. and Mrs. Silva! ahhhhh I cant even believe I just wrote that!! Wow, where to begin? Let’s start by saying how has it been one whole month already!?

We know, people always say “Time fly’s when you’re having fun” but that’s an understatement in this regard! I mean, it really does feel like just yesterday we were setting up the backyard for the big day! To be fair though, we are having A LOT of fun!

Now, we aren’t going to get into all the details of how we picked out our color palette or style motif in this particular blog – Don’t you worry though, that blog is coming like winter is coming for Jon Snow-
But we wanted to give you a sneak peek at the pictures we haven’t yet shared on our social media!

We cant keep them to ourselves any longer!
Keep Reading for some of our most intimate and favorite moments shared during our wedding.